
Verification of temperature on several issues tanker

1. Selection of the thermometer. JJG443-2006 auxiliary fuel dispenser suppliers requirements thermometer measurement range of -25 ℃ ~ 55 ℃, minimum scale value 0.2 ℃. But now most of the measurement technique used in the actual work organization inexpensive glass thermometer, this thermometer has the following defects: ⑴ fragile glass thermometer; ⑵ glass thermometer inside the oil temperature gauges inconvenient; ⑶ glass thermometer bulb reaction slower. Therefore, it is recommended to select digital display platinum resistance thermometer, indexing the minimum value of 0.2 ℃, the measurement range of -30 ℃ ~ 60 ℃, the use of platinum resistance temperature sensor, built-in battery power, the length (50 ~ 70) cm Stainless Steel Pipe protection, not damaged, eye-catching display, rapid, accurate and convenient.
2. Temperature measurements.
2.1 muzzle oil temperature measurements. When measuring the temperature of the oil gun, oil oiling the metal gauges should always flow from excessive temperature thermometer segment, oil temperature muzzle distance of about 1cm, when the thermometer showing the value of a steady and rapid reading (or tanker Indication measurement of 50% to 70% metal Tank capacity), the recording data.
2.2 Metal Tank oil temperature measurement. When measuring the automatic fuel dispenser temperature gauge metal, glass thermometers, oil lines in the upper rope thermometer, temperature segment can reach the central metal gauges limited (you can stick in the other end of a rope, slightly longer than the overflow cover diameter measurement gauges prevent metal thermometer fall), holding a rope into the metal thermometer gauges, temperature gauges central metal segment arrives late after (3 ~ 5) min thermometer bulb section exposed in front of the liquid quickly reading, recording data.
Another method: When the metal gauges measuring emissions of oil, when the oil into about half of the measured temperature in 盛油容 vessel; or when metal gauges discharge of oil, the thermometer temperature gauge section from row was measured at the mouth about 1cm, until the thermometer shows stable reading value, in order to replace the oil inside the metal gauges.

